Who We Are

And Why We Are


Our Credentials

National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), Full Board Members, and Faculty

Recognized by the U.S. Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

DHS certified in Cyber Counter Terrorism and Defense

Founded in 2003, graduate of the Federally Certified 8(a) program

Global 1000

Private Equity

All Major Industries

U.S. Government and Allies

Small- & Medium-Sized Enterprises

Academia including Public & Private Universities

Our Unique Business Value

Department of Homeland Security Office of Cybersecurity and Communications, contracted in "cybersecurity, communications reliability... control systems security, supply chain risk management...across the spectrum of security coordination including detection, prevention and mitigation...and enhancing the protection of critical infrastructure and government networks and systems that are vital to National Security and the Nation's economy."  Approved Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with the DHS National Protections and Program Directorate (NPPD).