2019 February 28, Omaha, NE
Axon Global completes a one year information gathering tour in a series of small group briefings (closed-door, invitation-only), with Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) from many of the top Fortune 500 and Global 1,000 companies in Dallas, Houston, St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha, NE. The forums were sponsored by one of the world’s largest companies servicing Fortune 500 Human Resources solutions . “These interactive settings of 15 to 30 Officers, in a private “safe harbor” environment, gave our teams extreme insight into the cultural dynamics of cyber fatigue, boardroom shifts in how directors now view cybersecurity, as well as insight into expanding the traditional Cyber Enterprise Risk Management models,” stated Israel Martinez, Axon Global CEO. “The initiative was so successful these groups will now be working with our leadership team,” in forming Department of Homeland Security Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs), which are authorized under Executive Order of the President EO 13691, Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing under the auspices of the Department of Homeland Security and the ISAO Standards Organization at the University of Texas in San Antonio.